Thank you for contributing to the care of our goats here at Mountain View Farm Animal Sanctuary.



Jasper is a curious and friendly black and white Nigerian Dwarf Goat whether, who came to us along with his brother, Waffles.

These two boys belonged to a small family farm. When their owners decided that they needed to downsize, they worked on finding a safe place for them to go. Unfortunately, the number of “pet” homes available for goats is dwindling, and the risk of possibly ending up in the wrong hands and being slaughtered is high for male goats.

When a home that they felt was appropriate wasn’t being found, we offered to take the boys in for security.

They are settling in very well, and add a bit of life to the barnyard that only playful goats can bring.

We are at peace knowing that their safety is secured.

Destiny Horse

Sponsor Jasper the Goat

For $30, $50 or $100 per month

Payment for: Jasper the Goat

Sponsor Chadwick the Horse for 1 Year
12 month

Per Month Total: $

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Waffles, is a handsome, tri-colored Nigerian Dwarf whether. Although he is a bit more reserved and cautious than his brother, Jasper, he is warming up to people and has a bold personality with his counterpart.

The two boys belonged to a small family farm. When their owners decided that they needed to downsize, they worked on finding a safe place for them to go. Unfortunately, the number of “pet” homes available for goats is dwindling, and the risk of possibly ending up in the wrong hands and slaughtered, is high for male goats.

When a home that they felt was appropriate wasn’t being found, we offered to take the boys in for security.

They are settling in very well, and add a bit of life to the barnyard that only playful goats can bring.

We are at peace knowing that their safety is secured.


Sponsor Waffles the Goat

For $30, $50 or $100 per month

Payment for: Waffles the Goat

Sponsor Waffles the Goat for 1 Year
12 month

Per Month Total: $

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Rescue Goats at Mountain View Farm Animal Sanctuary




  • The female goat is called a “doe” or “nanny.”
  •  The male goat is called a “buck” or “billy.”
  • A castrated male goat is called a “wether.”
  • A baby goat is called a “kid.”
  • The life span of a goat is on average 8-12 years.
  • Goats do not have teeth in their upper front jaw.
  • Both male and female goats can have beards.
  • Baby goats (kids) are standing and taking their first steps within minutes of being born.
  • Goats do not like to get wet and will seek shelter if it is raining.
  • Counter to the dominant stereotype about goats being willing to eat anything, they are actually very picky eaters. They have very sensitive lips, which they use to “mouth” things in search of clean and tasty food. They will often refuse to eat hay that has been walked on or lying around loose for a day.
  • Goats are herd animals and will become depressed if kept without any goat companions. So, it is unhealthy for a goat if a family just owns one as a pet.